Architecture Workshop

I first saw Pivot by Architecture Workshop on Kirsten Dirksen’s channel and more recently in Francesc Zamora Mola’s book, 150 Best Tiny Spaces.

Pull-down Murphy beds are rarely incorporated as slickly as here. If space allows one would always opt for a completely divided sleeping space. An ordinary pivoting wall would be an ideal solution, but it’s the incredibly well thought-out, features and their polished execution that takes this build to the next level.

The bathroom shower door idea seems obvious and basic, yet how many times have similar rooms been designed with a bog standard fitted sliding screen cubicle. The apartment is so packed with space maximising designs that a second watch of the video is advised to make sure none are missed.

Robert Garneau, co-founder of Architecture Workshop, is a seasoned pro when it comes to making the most of New York’s stratospheric real estate prices and providing clients with multi-use homes, rather than cramped apartments cluttered by fixed walls. The essence of what The Room Within is all about.

See the some of the portfolio on their website.




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